posted by Cemetery Man
on Wed, 08/26/2015 - 15:46
I have 7 sensation mowers in a shed that I would love to get up and running again. With engines changing from horsepower ratings to displacement, I have to admit I am at a loss for what to get. I want to say a remember it having a white 4hp briggs engine when it was new that the pull rope went straight up to start. Over the years different engines have been put on them, and my old maint. guy said it had to be a certain length shaft to work properly. Can someone please recommend the best engine to put on them. Most are model #56104 48997. Could not figure out how to attach pics.
Engine question
Would this work? or is it over/under kill?
Engine answer
Any vertical engine will fit as long as it has the standard mounting pattern, 7/8" Dia shaft, 3 5/32" long tapped for a 3/8's bolt. Your old engine was a 110908 model. If you want fully original factory refurbished engines, stay tuned, I will be producing them.