new old stock

friend was cleaning out garage and found 1976 mower in box.he has no need for it so he gave to me


Nice find!!!

By Rocco
STORM79's picture

" Please Email , I have a Very Lucrative "business opportunity"
I already sent you 1 email, I suppose you are sleeping!
Please shoot me your reply Today(Thurs) SOme Time. I will even "throw in an ORIGINAL "AIRCRAFT ALUMINUM SENSATION ORIGINAL GRASS CATCHER"--Which Durie "use to" sell them for $200 Each, & When I just called them, they told me the "guy' who made ALL THERE'S--DIED Over a Year Ago! When you see "MY SENSATION(COMPLETELY RESTORED) & GUARANTEES TO "START" 1ST PULL-EVERY SINGLE TIME!!! Rocco--CHECK YOUR PERSONAL EMAILS--WE "BOTH" CAN ACQUIRE WHAT WE WANT!
Thank You
Best Regards, Michael


Nice friend.

By GT57

That mower is not safety compliant, Please let me take it off your hands for safety reasons. Thanks!

By Rocco
Sensational Tom's picture

GAVE it to you! AAAUUUGH! I'm 'way greener than that mower now! Does it have the flip-over handle?

By Sensational Tom

Mike, that's a different mower/guy.

By Rocco