Original equipment

Coach's picture


I'm sure this has been addressed a million times so my apologies for bringing it to the front. I've seen you and others paint their sensations all types of colors. What colors were offered in original equipment? Just orange and that blue/green color? Were there others? Special editions?



I don't believe so. I had the paint color matched at Maaco years ago and they said it was Tangier Orange. There's a paint link here: http://www.sensation-mowers.com/node/72 Included is a supplier for an exact match. I did not have the green color matched. Maybe someone wants to do that??? The closest I got was Rustoleum Hammered green

By Rocco
Coach's picture

The hammered green doesn't look right to me. I have a 21" that's beat up. Gonna paint it this winter. Maybe I'll try and get that figured out. Leaving my nice vintage orange one original. I love that bright green 14" someone did. Looks super cool. Hate to modify mine like that. Gonna go orange this winter.

By Coach
Coach's picture

Is there a list of all equipment made in the 70s/80s on here somewhere? My goal is to have one of everything possible. All orange.

By Coach