Engine swap

Sod psycho's picture

So is it viable to swap engines on my 14" cemetery 2 stroke? Cost may come into play attempting to revive the old Tecumseh that's on it. If so, any cheap and cheerful options? Or should I go the extra and invest in keeping it OEM? Parts for an old 2 stroke? The air filter element turned into dust when I tried to remove it. Is there value in it or just the nostalgia ? Opinions please. Thanks.

How bad off is the engine? 2-strokes are pretty easy to fix, does it at least get spark, Click the "services" tab. Maybe I can help or maybe you can convert to the 3hp 4-stroke briggs. I have one of those laying around. I'd try to keep it original. Seems pretty cool.

By Rocco
Sod psycho's picture

It has good spark. Having trouble referencing the engine on the tecumseh power web page. Serial number is only from Sensation (on the deck)The only engine numbers I could find were under the recoil shroud etched on the inside lip where the flywheel is mounted. They read 1019 ( the letter B, above the 9) and then what looks like T8 inside a circle after that. I know the last time it ran Fuel leaked from the carb, (I'm guessing bad seals and maybe needle seats, at the least) Any idea of the manufacture date on this type?

By Sod psycho

It's quite possible that it's not original now that I think about it. I know Sensation used to use Kawasaki 2-strokes. But I'm uncertain if Tecumseh was part of their line-up. Any other folks in here want to chime in? I know Nate, Ben, Wade have better archelogical skills than I do.

By Rocco