Motor Maintenence

The decision to get your trusty heirloom motor rebuilt comes with trepidation. It has served you well for many years and now it's looking tired and you want to pay it back by giving it a spa day at Over the years you have gotten very used to how your motor works, performs, starts and what to expect and any other little quirks about it. Once I get your motor it is completely torn down to a bare block, fully degreased, fully sandblasted, and degreased again.... I then hone the bore first rough, then fine, then a deglazer and then wipe the bore clean over and over again with wd-40 and solvent until a white paper towel stays white. All motors get new rings and in most cases new valves and pistons. The carb is rebuilt with all new parts and all clearances are checked. I set the mixture screw on the carb where it will start and run. So far most motors I do, start within the first pull, maybe 2 pulls. I then run your motor for a full half hour at different RPMs and tune the mixture with a wide blade on and a disk. I then do hot starts and then cold starts. The motor doesn't leave unless it runs perfect. You won't be getting back what you're used to. It will have a whole new set of characteristics and new rituals to get used to. The motor will still be tight and may take a whole season of cutting to get broken in. With today's oils being so good, the break in period is longer. As the motor breaks in, tolerances will change. It is important to note that your carburetor must have the mixture screw set to your specific blade and disk combo and also your elevation. This requirement WILL CHANGE as the break-in progresses. Eventually the process will plateau. Always use fresh gas, or tru-fuel. If you encounter issues, refer to the supplied paperwork, or e-mail me. Most problems are easily solved. Do not get frustrated and keep trying to start your motor. This can lead to other problems. That being said, happy mowing. Technical support is always available. These motors are old-school requires basic tuning skills. Before you know it you have a whole new set of quirks and characteristics to get used to, kind of like getting a new dog, it can't be an exact replacement, but you'll love it just the same.