Never heard of Sensation until today

So I busted the block of my High wheel mower and began a search for a used engine. 6 hp Briggs, well I found a good running one on a pressure washer and will use it. Off to the side of the recycle place I get my engines from sat what I thought was a Billy Goat, what a monstrosity. Huge chain drive 3 speeds forward, neutral and reverse. Levers on the handle on both sides to engage drive and cutter. The engine housing was missing, so was the head. Bore looks good, wonder why they tore it apart???
Anyway, I decided in my infinite wisdom I can slap a used V shaft Briggs on it and have a dandy field mower.
After unloading at home I looked for a name and model figuring it's a Brush Hog. Well I found a sticker that says:

PO Box 536
Plymouth, Wis.530..
NO. Unreadable
NO. 542

So here I am after finding this site, debating what I should do. The rubber is well worn on the wheels, and one front wheel the rubber is separating from the rim. I haven't removed the deck plate(large slotted screws) to check if there are rotten belts in there but it seems they may be fine being protected from the elements.
I can get it up and running, but I will use it and use it as the tool it is, or should I find a good home for it, where it will sit in retirement??
I'll try and get some pics up if that would help.

Kopfjaeger's picture

Yes, please do post photos! I use all my Sensation mowers. If it was never used, perhaps I’d pack it away.


By Kopfjaeger

I acquired one of these mowers last year from a man in Chicago. Mine has a 5 hp Clinton Cast iron on it and was in really rough shape. I tor everything apart and replaced everything worn on it. Now it runs but that crab is still bad. When I got it everything was corroded I soaked it for 3 weeks and rebuilt it. Its a Walbro 198LMG. Does anyone have one of these carbs laying around? If I can figure out how to post pictures I will.

I also have 2 restores 21 inch mowers that Id like to show.

By Jpethan