posted by D mo
on Fri, 03/13/2015 - 21:00
Currently in the middle of restoring my 56036. The P.o. Had given it a John Deere themed rattle can paint job ruining the front "Commercial" decal if anyone here has or can reproduce one that would be awesome. Thanks for any help or leads, Dave
I do have a decal maker, I've been on the fence about having some made. If I can't find a good sample to send I may need a picture. Also there was a member of the old group that posted at one point he had some made, I have to look in the archives. I'll keep you posted.
Great, the only good pics I have are in old sales brochures and they don't capture the detail very well
No worries, I'll see what I have later in the week.
I sent all the info to my decal maker for a quote, I'll update as soon as I hear back.
Fantastic, it will be a nice finishing touch
Ok, decals are now in production, give it 2 weeks.
Sweet, I knew I came to the right place.
Decals are in
Decals are in. Looks awesome!
Decals are in
Please let me know when you decide on a price. My mower looks a bit bare still. Thanks
10 dollars should cover it.
Hey Rocco- I will buy one ! THX
Ok, Email me your address and Ill send one
Need handle bar decal
Where can I purchase OEM style decals? Anyone?
which one do you need?
It's a 68 model. In the center of the handlebar, flip-type is a flat area that had a 'Sensation' decal. I don't know if it was on both sides or not. Also there was a triangle shaped decal on the deck that indicated something to do with an association or safety or something, I'm probably getting too anal about the correctness of the whole thing. Model & S/N is also gone, pretty much narrowed the age thru family members and ads.
Thanks, Mark
I've regained possession of my Grandfathers 21" 1968 vintage Sensation. The original motor is long gone but I acquired a 110908 which is pretty close. Anyway what I'm needing is a handlebar decal or two and there was a triangle shaped one one the deck that referred to some kind of certification or association or something, I only remember the shape for sure. The Model and Serial is also gone but I'm unsure how important that is. I'll post pictures when finished. Thanks, Mark
email me, i can get u both