There's some more information about the history of wooden deck Sensations in the quotes from Wade Rodman (great Nephew of Howard Phelps Sensation Founder) on the Sensation History page.
Here's my collection of mowers so far. Half are restorations and resto-mods, the other half duty mowers that see regular duty or back up duty. Enjoy! Yes, I realize there are only 9. Long story but I never uncrated the 14".
After many false leads to secure fixed landscaping style handles. I decided to tool up here at to make them from scratch for my restoration and the members. Here's the first one off the line with many more to come.. After my resto-mods are complete they will be available to members for a reasonable fee. I'll take orders now. I'm currently figuring with material and labor they will be around 100 dollars.
Plenty of build-ups coming your way. I have enough here to keep myself busy. Don't forget to check out my "Services" section. I can help you with your own build-ups by sprucing up your motor. Keep checking in..
Several years a go I assembled a mower with a 13hp Intek motor. I called it the monster mower. Yahoo Groups users will remember the build-up. It required fabrication of a special adapter plate. Ran like a Cadillac. The mower has since been retired and the parts found themselves into other projects I figure I'll post pics of it here.
Finally got my obscure Sensation Side Discharge deck all cleaned up. As you can see it has a cast in crankshaft protector and cast in wheel height adjusters. It was actually front wheel drive at one time but I removed the boss and am converting it to push mower. I have never seen anything like this.
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