Italian Sensation!!


Here's the follow-up companion mower to the Liberty Mower as promised!, It's the Italian Sensation. A nice NOS-quality 4hp Italian flag themed mower. It's to pay respect to the Italian-American landscapers of Northern New Jersey of yesteryear! Enjoy! Stay tuned for next Wednesday's mower!!

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Liberty Mower!!


Finally finished the Liberty Mower. Enjoy the red, white and blue. Hear it run!! It will be followed up by a companion mower next Wednesday, and one more after that! Then this Summer I have one last mower I'm doing. It will be the most badass mower you will ever see!!!

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Member's Motor


Here another member opted for a Factory Fresh rebuild for their mower. Frankly I'm jealous.. He ordered some performance options off the a la carte list and this baby runs mean!! He's gonna have one fun mowing season and MANY more to come!!!

Posted By Rocco read more Services. Before and after.


Here's a few examples of members' motors that were sent in for refurbishing.

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21" Commercial deck


The ubiquitous 21 inch commercial mower deck, Its history and legacy (and the confusion behind it).

I'm going to attempt to dissect the history and timeline behind the company mergers and sell-offs, the relationships between them, and the subsequent confusion behind the brands; namely speaking the confusion and rumors behind Sensation and B*b-C*t mower brands. Get ready for a rollercoaster ride of confusing timelines and mergers.

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Experiment (Performance upgrades)


There are no performance upgrades for the Briggs 3.5hp and 4hp vertical engines. All the performance upgrades for Briggs revolves around the 5hp horizontal engine for some sort of sanctioned sport and the engine is called the Animal. Unfortunately none of the aftermarket parts interchange with the 3.5hp and 4hp Briggs engine found on our Sensation Mowers. I have decided to experiment in house with performance upgrades. Only here will you find such endeavor. Click to read...

Posted By Rocco read more

NOS Sensation Mower!!


Being the No. 1 restorer and collector of Sensations in the country... I happened upon a Brand New, Original, Un-used, Mint Condition, NOS Sensation Mower from 1974. Never seen gas, grass, or oil.

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Shop update...


Finally got the tubing bent for the handles. Now just have to assemble them. Have a backlog of members' motors to be done. Still trying to pop out themed projects for the site. I'm building an engine with a window in it so I can weld up different camshafts to the cam gear to experiment with performance upgrades. This window will allow me to weld the cam in perfect alignment and to visualize the inside of the engine while running.

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Expanded Services


Check out the services page if you are planning on having your motor redone. I fine tuned the capabilities and pricing to give more options and to better reflect what people are asking for and I find myself doing in the shop. If your motor is with me now the agreed price still stands. Once again I make MINIMAL money off this and this service if offered to members to keep their mowers up and running. The parts and labor is at cost. Each motor is given FULL individual attention.

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NOS (build) Motor.


I just finished up a motor for a member that opted for a factory spec'd motor, But never paid, so onto one of my decks it goes to complete another mower!. Here's the pics and link to a test run.

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