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I wanted to do this website with the help of Nate to basically have an outlet to discuss all matters Sensation and to display any projects I assemble and for other fans to post their projects. It is a gathering place to showcase and appreciate everyone's mowers and to talk amongst ourselves to share information and resources, especially technical information and parts and procedures. Past information and history is rare and hard to come by. This is the only site on the internet dedicated to these mowers.... I eventually want to make this fully comprehensive and bring over the years of gathered info from the Yahoo Groups site. This dedicated website was created at the request of the early members.
'Tis the season for dreamin'. Summer mowing, projects, modifications, maintenance, replacing your tired motor with a Sensation-Mowers.com motor, Etc.. This fall and winter has seen quite a few motors hit the turf coming out of my shop. I apologize for the lack of fancy projects posted here. I have focused mostly on the motors and haven't done many full mowers. That will change soon. I'd like to still do a full pastel Easter mower. Currently, I'm working a a new personal motor with a heavily modified camshaft, dual rotating valves, and a host of other go-fast goodies. Stay tuned.
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